Of Pinky Promises and Priests
“How long has he been here, and who else knows about him?” His face was stern. I was begining to have second thoughts about him.
“I found him on Tuesday. Kelly Preston found out yesterday.” My eyes were on the ground.
“Do you believe this is the right thing?”
“You mean, would Jesus do it? Yes, I know it’s the right thing.” It was smart of me. Father Ed will comply to anything, just so long as you stick the words “What would Jesus do” in there.
“I will help you.” He sighed finally.
“Nobody can know. It has to be a secret. Pinky promise?” I asked hopefully. I enjoyed showing him the fourth grade way of negotiating. His pinky locked with mine. “And now, I give you… Stevie!” I opened the door with flourish, and found Stevie playing with a Wood Rat. “Stevie!” I hissed, and he stood up. His fly was open, and I gestured for him to turn around and zip it.
“What have I gotten myself into?” Father Ed muttered.