
Running Scared

I sprinted as silently as possible through the greens of my large front yard, pausing to lean against the one ivyed brick wall to catch my breath. I turned my face to my shaky clenched fist. Maybe it was all fake. Something my imagination came up with. I slowly opened my fist to see the diamond subtly glistening in the moon’s light. It was on a thin silver chain, possibly to help me keep it hidden from my father better.

I closed my fist again along with my eyes, took a deep breath, then continued sprinting silently around to the back door of our giant home.

The door thankfully opened without a creak of protest. I breathed a sigh of relief…

Only to be blinded by the light of a lit candle in my face and the worried voice of my maid, Karmendy, “Miss, where have you been miss? It’s 1 of the clock in the morning and your father is quite worried.”

Oh no, my father. He was still awake. I sucked in a staggered breath before having Karmendy escort me towards Father’s study.

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