
The Physical Aftermath

The pain was intense, his leg was throbbing and bleeding everywhere, his chin and neck stung, and so did his hand after snagging the sign post. He had wrenched his shoulder, maybe dislocated it, and that pain along with all the others was just too much to bear.

His brain, like all brains when they are taxed to the limit and losing blood, began to shut off systems he didn’t need, like conciousness. The edges of the world began to get fuzzy and he suddenly felt the need to sleep.

He woke in the hospital. His mom was there, tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Tony, hon, Can you hear me? You’re in the hospital.”

I focused on her face. It took several seconds for the entire room to come into focus. I felt leaden, the drugs were working on me to deaden the pain. My leg was wrapped up, and my arm in a sling.

“Tony! What were you thinking? You were very lucky they said. If you hadn’t had your helmet on…” She turned her face away from me and fought back tears.

“I can’t move my arms! I can’t feel my legs!”

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