
Unrevealing Dreams

“The doctors said there was a lot of swelling around your spine. You might not feel them until the swelling goes down.” Mom explained. She stood to pace the room.
“What were you doing? 60? I hope you think about what you’ve done.”

“Mom, I’m tired.” I did need to think, but without her nagging.
“Fine. I’ll go find your Dad.”

I laid there. I did fall asleep and I dreamed. I saw myself at a party with lots of pretty girls, but I was unsatisfied. I was looking for someone or something. My grandparents were in another room of the house, and they shook their heads in disappointment at me. They pointed to a picture of my uncle Matt. He was a doctor. They wanted me to be like him. I went into another room, and there were my parents, younger, like in my memory. They were pointing out over the Grand Canyon, explaining that I could do amazing things if I put my mind to it. I ran away from them, I got on my motorcycle and rode. I rode away from my problems, I took a turn too hard, I was falling…

I jolted awake.

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