
Clean Up on Aisle 12

“Um, yeah I’m fine,” I said. Rachel frowned and adjusted her glasses.
“Are you sure? I mean, I heard what Denise said, and that was terrible,”.
“Um, I didn’t mean it like that, what I meant was,”.
“I know, and what I meant to say was, thanks,”. Rachel and I smiled.

The school day couldn’t end soon enough. I waved to Eric and Rachel and boarded the bus. I walked down the aisle silently, trying to ignore all of the loud mouth eighth graders.

I continued to walk down the aisle.
Wow. Two cute kids in one day? This was a new personal best. But this one actually was an eighth grader. Well, you could tell. He was surrounded by girls and was at least a foot taller than Eric, but he was a total babe. He was Lance. Lance Huffe. I kept looking into Lance’s dreamy eyes when, yet again, I went down. Face first, dropping all my books. Stupid eighth graders, what gave them the right to trip me?

My books went flying and everyone laughed, including Lance. This was just wonderful..

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