well, we’ve moved him from Boston to the Jersey coast.. and he’s escaping a man who seems to be picking up the castaways. Maybe his instincts know what’s right and wrong here.. maybe he’s RIGHT to run…
Great stuff, really just laying the other character out there as ‘just doing his job’ while at the same time letting Luke be freaked out as possible. Nice balancing act.
I really liked this sequel. Old dude has a calm, creepiness about him. I’m confused about the “what in God’s name is this kid doing on a Jersey beach,” though. First, Boston isn’t that far from Jersey, so that’s conceivable. Second, his question seems out of character from the setup. Dude seems hip to the situation, and wouldn’t be so confounded by a kid from Boston ending up in Jersey. Probably just me though. Other than that, I really liked it.
Mistress Elsha Hawk
THX 0477
John Perkins