
--running away-

I, for once, didn’t care what Grant and the woman had to say. I took off. Runing blindly through the forest—a great way to plan an escape, huh?

I heard Grant and the woman runing behind me, calling for me to stop, to wait. But I was panicked, and there was no stopping me.

Or I thought. Until Grant tackled me! My face hit the earth and I came up spluttering mouthfuls of dirt at Grant’s head.

“What the hell?! Why-” Cough, cough, “did you do that, Grant?” patoohey, ugh, “Okay, I’m done choking on dirt now, WHY DID YOU TACKLE ME ?” I screeched.

I stumbled to my feet and took off runing again. I heard Grant crashing through the bushes behind me—why did he bother?

Suddenly, a strong pull on my arm brought me to a stop. I turned around to face a guard. With an unhuman growl, I punched him in the face. He dropped like a rock, I thought gleefully. Wow, this person is much different than the one I just heard from five minutes ago, you’re thinking. Well, you thought wrong. Despair hit me and I fell…

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