lol wow thats really original nice
This was fun to read. Thanks!
haha. gr8 for a star wars nerd like meself :D
Wow. Oh my. Clever you are.
Wow. That’s really great! I love Star Wars. (yes i know its nerdy) Yoda commends you. LOL
Well done. You balanced the Lincoln and Yoda very well indeed.
Very witty. I am a huge Star Wars nerd. Fabulous and well written.
Congratulations on being Featured. I read this previously and loved it, and now I read it again. :)
I’m frankly amazed that such a silly piece has attracted so much attention, praise (and a “featured” position), but thank you, everybody.
tres amusante
this was very cool!!!!
“You must face General Lee alone.” Who’s this General Lee fellow… don’t you mean General Grevious? :)
uh, General Lee is like the most well-known general for the confederates.awesome ficlet btw! you melded yoda and lincoln really well.
No… General Lee is, like, that car The Dukes of Hazard drive around in. Duh.
The Ghost in the Machine
but i like the cookie
Lone Writer
Kevin Lawver
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lady e
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THX 0477