
In-Character Survey: Dr. Oblivion From the "Brass Eagle" Series

Do you do laundry regularly?
Erm…dat information is for me and me only.

Your favorite piece of furniture?
Oh, my widdle pet bed is heaven.

Night owl/morning person?
Not a person, exactwy. Not an owl, either.

Are there dishes in the sink?
If you want there to be.

Color of your bedroom walls:

One wish you’d like to come true?
I would become human again.

Favorite tv show?
As The World Turns.

Favorite movie?
Any of the Sean Connewy Bond movies. Daniel Cwaig is good, too, but Pierce Bwosnan makes me gag.

How many places have you lived?
Appwoximately…four. Home, cowege, the kennel, the island.

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