Haha, perfect prequel! Ha…..heh…ohh, yeah…
I know the tone is a bit different than your story, but I kind of liked the idea of a modern day Don Quixote.
thats EXACTLY what i was thinking of when i read it!! good job!!!!
i like your modern rendition. well written too!
There really aren’t enough knight errants in the world. Definitely my game plan after retirement. I should start practicing my windmill tilting
refrains from making obligatory Dulcinea jokes
Very well done.
I wonder if the wife knows who/what Dulcinea was. Sounds like fun…the story, I mean…not Dulcinea.
Batak Beatrix
Nouvelle Bardot
Cavalry Calhoone
Batak Beatrix
Alexa ♥
THX 0477