I just figured it was in answer to some really, really bizarre challenge with, um, lots of odd requirements and stipulations. And really, rating your own story? Bad form.
Meanest. Comments. Ever. Seriously? Okay, I understand not liking a story, but that’s no reason to be jerks about it. I’m going to take a line from Flight of the Conchords and say: “What? Why? Be more constructive with your feedback, please.”
I actually thought this ficlet was sort of charming in a demented, weird way. It kept my attention and entertained me. That is a lot more than I can say about most of the ficlet output lately; what with the boring multi-part high school angst epics that seem to have taken over this place. You’ve got a lot of imagination. Keep writing what you want to write, the way you want to write it. I do agree with THX though: rating your own ficlet is a bad move.
I think mine was constructive: I merely wanted to say that I don’t understand what is going on, and why it’s going on. And I want to know what plot the story was intended to have? I’m not sure if someone would rather me say that right out, or say what I said… And I think I will also say that my sequel is meant as an “inspired by” to this Ficlet.
I suppose, but faces and misspellings distracted me a bit. And I was expecting something more. Most people wouldn’t put a Nazi of any sort {grammar, soup, german, neo etc.} in a stupid/silly thing. Perhaps a Fruit Salad Nazi from the Wiggles may have fit better than an anti-Semitic one using an AK-47? [No Fruit Salad for you, Baby Smiley Sun!]
You’re right, I was a little lost with the Nazi thing. I just figured the author was hopped up on cough syrup while reading The Diary of Anne Frank or something…
wow…this caused a lot of controversy. i agree with tarzan and fyora; it really does need work (it doesn’t make a lot of sense—at all), but partly it’s the nonsensicalness that makes it entertaining. sort of reminds me of a condensed alice in wonderland-type thing. (and just so you know, lewis carroll was on an opium high when he dreamt that and put it through the eyes of a 5-yr-old. so that’s not necessarily a good thing. though it can be.)
Peas on my head...
Fyora Cartagan
Alexa ♥
THX 0477
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Fyora Cartagan
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Fyora Cartagan
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Green Apple