
My Girlfriend's an Assassin

Once, when we were exiting a movie theater in the middle of the night, she saw a thug trying to wedge open my car’s window. She delivered a Chuck-Norris-level roundhouse kick to the face, and he stopped.

Then there was the time we came to my house to find that it had been egged. She confessed only after I received a hefty medical bill that she had tracked the culprit down using only a cell phone and a piece of string, and then sent him to the hospital with near-critical injuries. We both decided to keep that one hushed up.

Oh, and the time with the gang and the sardines…but I digress.

I guess now it’s not too hard to believe she was what she said she was. Especially when you’re the son of a prominent Interpol agent…

And then the shock came back to me. Oh, my gosh, she had used me so her mom could get to my dad – is that what she had said? So did that mean she never liked me? No, it couldn’t have…well, maybe it could have.

Wait – my girlfriend’s an assassin? Was I the next target?

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