Jesus' third miracle.. sort of.
Connie Chung: So.. You are giving us free license to do what ever we want? There will be repercussions! There will be civil disobedience and insurrection. How can you advocate that?
Jesus: I don’t see how what I say would have much effect on you guys. Most of you didn’t believe me last time I was here. I figure I will try a little reverse psychology this time. Freud suggested it.
Connie Chung: So.. Reverse Psychology… Hang on.. Jesus. We have a phone call. Will you mind if we offer viewers a chance to call in?
Jesus: Naw.. fire away.
poof – fire consumes the phone in the hand of the attendant
Jesus: Aw shit..
poof – burned ashes turn into crap..
Jesus: Darn it.. let me try again.. Phone
poof – excrement turns into a phone again. Attendant refuses to go near it, still nursing burn wounds.
Jesus: So sorry about that.. I am still getting used to having all the power to preform miracles and all. So sorry. Heal.
poof – hands of attendant heal instantly.