
Alex in Wonderland- Part 7: Girls Just Wanted to Have Fun

“Did you see the guy that ducked into the Castle? He doesn’t belong either,” Amanda commented nodding toward the arcade. Still pushing at her hair. After two hours it still didn’t feel right. How in the world had they done it back then? She just couldn’t remember.

Jessica grunted as she pushed from the wall. “Let’s see what he’s up to,” she said quietly to the other two. “I think that’s the only place we haven’t been to yet.” She was just glad she’d been smart enough to find a “prep” store and didn’t come out looking like the other two. “Becky stop looking at your phone,” she scolded.

Rebecca was almost in tears. Again. She was supposed to meet her husband in three hours. “This is so not fun anymore,” she blubbered. Her heels ticked along behind the other two as they walked toward the Arcade. “Next month, we are meeting somewhere else for our luncheon.” Who cares about nostalgia when it lands you in the middle of a neon nightmare? She was just glad that she still had the legs for the mini skirt.

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