
Alex in Wonderland - Part 20: Through the Looking Glass

“So, what’s with that?” Alex asked pointing to Becky who was still being led around the store by the shopkeep.

“Oh that,” Amanda said. “Becky is to mirrors…”

” moth is to flame.” Jessica finished. “Oh Becky dear, we don’t have time for shopping right now!” Jessica went stomping off after her.

Alex caught something out of the corner of this eye in the cross reflection of the mirrors. Could that be? Damn it was!

Standing across the mall, tucked in the corner was Krystal. Bits of broken chips stuck in her hair and her shirt stained with red salsa. She was talking into the cuff of her shirt sleeve. Damn, she was some special kind of mental.

“Hey guys!” Alex shouted out. “We’ve got trouble!”

“Yo mister,” Jessica asked the shopkeep. “There another way out of here?”

“Just the back door to the service hallway behind the shops, why?”

“Everybody, follow me!” She shouted heading for the back of the store.

The entry to the service hallway was labeled ‘Rabbit Hole’... how odd, she thought.

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