
If That's the way its Gonna Be: Part 10

Eric and I started to hangout. We ate lunch together and things like that. Some people made fun of me, but he was all I had. Everyday at lunch I stared at Jake and Maria, feeding each other food. I kept wishing it was me.
On the day of Maria’s party everyone was talking about it. It seemed like it was going to be a fun party, but I didnt care.
When I was at my locker, Emma, one of Marias snobby friends came up to me. It seemed that she had told Maria that Jake was a cute boyfriend and Maria had gotton mad. Maria turned everyone against Emma. Emma now knew how I felt.
I’m sorry, Jacqueine, that I was so mean to you.
I nodded and listen to what she had to say.
Anyway, I think we should get back at Maria.
Tonight at her party, we’ll sneak in and push her in the pool.
It’ll be great. She quickly told me about what she had planned out.

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