
What's In A Name? (a challenge)

Changing a name can change your whole world. Creating a name can be just as influential. Take care when you choose a name, for even though it looks like just some scribbles on a page, it can affect your whole outlook.

Take the name Aldric, noble, upstanding, strong. The name Aldrik, same sound, but the k adds a touch of the wild to the man. Aldryc, an almost feminine name. Aldryk, an unpredictable, chaotic character with an equally chaotic name. All these different names, just with changing a couple letters.

Oh, what havoc could it wreak when you change your entire name?

[I have yet to make a challenge to anyone, so I hereby challenge you all to make a story in which nomenclature is very important.
(i.e. someone’s name changes and so they change, all the characters have similar names, with slight differences but their personalities are vastly different, etc.) By the way: You are free to make it longer than one ficlet.]

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