
And The Winners Are....

50 FICLETS !! Yeah, it took me a while, I had writers block for a very long time, plus school gets in the way…oh you all know what I’m talking about. Anyway, I feel like I can finally offically start a challenge!

This has most likey already been done but I’m using it anyway, because I had a hard enough time thinking of it…

The challenge is…

Write a ficlet that is about yourself. It has to be a true story, and it has to be new, if youv’e already written a true story about yourself, write another! You can write about anything from when you were little playing on a swing set, to yesterday when you failed a test. Anything will do. Oh, don’t forget to change names and please don’t write about anything that would hurt someone else.

The judge date will be announced later. The most intersting ficlet will win! Thanks if you enter.. and good luck!

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