the funny thing is that half my day is spent in front of the computer…the other 50% is in school (ugh). LauGH OuT lOad great way to talk to yourself!!! LoA
awesome dialgoue. almost an arguement with yourself. awesome free movies. Hmm Im in front of the comouter a lot too. I need outdoor hobbies O wait i work out doors. LoA
You guys make me sick. You even have half a day to be on ficlets. Phooey on you! Phooey, phooey, phooey! Then again, I rolled into work at 7, got free breakfast, and got out before 4 after honestly not trying all that hard. Why? Cause I paid attention in school! Don’t do drugs. Stay in school. I pity the fool! Good grief, somebody roll me over and kick me for being old. Shutting up now.
this is so awesome… it was like exactly the kind of thing i was going to write but you did it so much better…. and i as well spend half day in school on computers (woohoo graphics major!) and then go to work on computers (woohoo graphics major!)… it is truly sad that I spend more time w/ a computer than anything else…
First I would say, your quite lucky cause obviously you don’t need to sleep :D And because 12 hours spending on school is not that bad, in Belgium you have 14 and a half hours. And besides who gets bored when you’r always with two? Great writing by the way
Honestly, I wish I spent half my day on ficlets rather than the crap that I do everyday, well, now that I wuit(I tend to do that) violin, I have more time on my hands. Oh, but then there’s softball. God! I’m like arguing with myself now!
haha that’s funny! i wish i could spend half the day on ficlets… seriously u have the time? lucky ducks. and i never say lucky ducks. that’s just how lucky you guys are only on Sundays… where I spend abotu the half the day online.
emma jo_234
You Know You Love Mee!
THX 0477
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Alexa ♥
Culture Shock w/ Mike Schwartz
More Than Meets The Eyes
One Time, One Chance
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