
Make Someone's Day Challenge

Today I reached 1,024 comments after being here only 62 days. I’ve achieved that number because of how awesome this community of writers is. And I’m incredibly thankful to be a part of that community. So I now present to you my second challenge as a celebration of that feat, and my entry into the LoA (still no name, taking suggestions).

The challenge is to find a ficlet that is at least 42 days old (approx. 1024 hours), and sequel or prequel it. Comment and/or note the original author to let them know (both preferred), then come back here and tell us all about it.

The idea is that one of the great things about this place is the collaborative efforts. The unsolicited sequels, prequels and comments that make you smile, laugh, and cry when you read them. But they always, every single time, make your day when you log in and see it posted. Go out there, find a story that grabs you, and make someone’s day.

To make it easy, here’s a link that I’ll update periodically:

View this story's 24 comments.