Now, when Was the Last Time You've Had a Good 'Ol Stovohobo Challenge?
All right, it’s been a long time since I’ve made a challenge. Also, most people reading this are new enough they don’t even remember my challenges.
Anyway, I have a series of choices that you can choose from to make your entry.
1. (This is taken from the book Caffeine for the Creative Mind by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield. Get it.) As any sane person will tell you, there will be a time when the area we currently live in will be overrun by hordes of flesh-craving zombies. Naturally, we have all prepared for this inevitability, correct? Today, your task is to create your zombie survival plan – attack and defense plans, where could you go? You’re making a guide on undead-attack survival. Write a ficlet. Go.
2. Stump the Stovo! Ask me a question. Any question, the hardest one you can think of. Note me with it and I’ll try to answer it as best I can in a prequel to this.
3. The classic 5 worder: a ficlet containing these 5 words: kleptomaniac, cavalcade, jaywalking, pizza, doldrums.