Answers to Llama's Quiz Challenge
Author: Culture Shock w/ Mike Schwartz
Published January 3rd, 2008
The Meandering Thoughts of a Crazed Manic at 11:27 on an Idle Thursday (or attempts to meet an unusual challenge)
Author: Culture Shock w/ Mike Schwartz
Published January 4th, 2008
evaporated milk and champagne (in other words, my first challenge!!)
Author: wytherwings
Published January 4th, 2008
Ego Libido Amo Tu In Aeternum, 10 (Now with Tags!)
Author: Amo de Tuus Aetas et Mors
Published January 4th, 2008
You don't need to worry
Published January 4th, 2008
Stress Relief Tablet <Pens' Challenge>
Author: Amo de Tuus Aetas et Mors
Published January 4th, 2008
Something Smells Like Fish In Rome (6 men I'd do)
Author: Fyora Cartagan
Published January 4th, 2008
Flute Loop<33: A Philosophical Exploration of the Pen Name That Doesn't Have Much Thought Behind It
Author: Flute Loop<33
Published January 4th, 2008
That Which Is Intended For Inquiring Minds (Ramblings 1)
Author: Fyora Cartagan
Published January 5th, 2008
Blusparrow: A Pilosophical Exploration of the Pen name That can Fly! can you fly?I Don't Think So!
Author: Blusparrow
Published January 5th, 2008
A Delightfully Awkward Philosophical Exploration of my Pen Name: Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy
Author: Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy
Published January 5th, 2008
Hurrah for my quirks. They make me unique. Pens quirk challenge
Author: Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy
Published January 5th, 2008